Tuesday, 30 July 2013


Now its easy to locate any phone number..Today i will show you how to find owners name for any reliance number...
Follow the following steps:-

1)Click on this link  FIND CUSTOMER NAME .
2)Type the phone number of the reliance customer.
3)No need to type email id as it is optional.
4)Click on Continue.

The name of customer is displayed in front of you...
The only limitations in this trick is that it only displays surname of the customer...

Monday, 29 July 2013

Search "GOOGLE" With Fun

I hope you would have used many search techniques in google...To complete your adventure i have brought some more google search techniques..
Just try it...

1. Google gravity :: Feel the effect of gravity on google. All page components will fall down due to gravity.
To perform the trick of Google Gravity, just do the following:
Visit http://www.google.com/ (not www.google.co.in or .uk or .au).
Turn off the Google Instant Search ( From settings).
Type in Google Gravity into the search box.
Click on I’m Feeling Lucky button.
Move the mouse.

2. Epic Google
To perform the trick of Google Gravity, just do the following:
Visit http://www.google.com/ (not www.google.co.in or .uk or .au).
Turn off the Google Instant Search ( From settings).
Type in Epic Google into the search box.
Click on I’m Feeling Lucky button.
Move the mouse.
Each component on the page will start growing bigger and bigger.

3. Google Hacker
To perform the trick of Google Gravity, just do the following:
Visit http://www.google.com/ (not www.google.co.in or .uk or .au).
Turn off the Google Instant Search ( From settings).
Type in Google Hacker into the search box.
Click on I’m Feeling Lucky button.
Move the mouse.
Now we see :: How google will look if it was made by a hacker.

4. Annoying Google
To perform the trick of Google Gravity, just do the following:
Visit http://www.google.com/ (not www.google.co.in or .uk or .au).
Turn off the Google Instant Search ( From settings).
Type in Annoying Google into the search box.
Click on I’m Feeling Lucky button.
Move the mouse.

5. Meaning Of Search For Google
To perform the trick of Google Gravity, just do the following:
Visit http://www.google.com/ (not www.google.co.in or .uk or .au).
Turn off the Google Instant Search ( From settings).
Type in search into the search box.
Click on I’m Feeling Lucky button.

6. Loneliest Number
Visit http://www.google.com/ (not www.google.co.in or .uk or .au).
Turn off the Google Instant Search ( From settings).
Type in loneliest number into the search box.
Click on I’m Feeling Lucky button.
Move the mouse.

Back again

Sorry frnds for not posting any thing on my blog for past six days..I was busy in some personal work...Hope you all are fine and waiting for my new post...The wait is over now..I will try to post continuously from today onwards...So stay connected with me through this blog...Thank you...

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Tips for printing in Microsoft word, Excel etc

You would have printed the pages from Microsoft word, Excel etc...You would have also printed single page,multiple page or range of page...But do you know you can also print a section or a part of page...
If you know it already it is very good, but if you don't know it read it ,it might help you..

If you want some portion of page only to be printed as it contains necessary information you can print it....
You just have to follow some simple steps:-

Lets see how to print a section of page..

Step 1 :- Select the text you want to print the from the given page..

Step 2 :- Click on Print option from file menu or press ctrl+p....

Step 3 :- Check the option "Selection" in the column Page range..

Step 4 :- click on ok button..

Now you will see the text you have select is only printed on the page....So be efficient while printing the documents from next time onwards...enjoy and have fun...

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Top 10 Best Email Sites

Hey do yo know only gmail,yahoo,hotmail only for email or do prefer any other sites...Do you know the ranking of your sites in which you have maid your email id...
Here is the list of top 10 sites providing email services with their features:

1)Hotmail   :- "Powerful free e-mail with security from Microsoft...."

2)Google Mail :- "7+ GB of storage, less spam, and mobile access. Gmail is email that's intuitive, efficient,..."

3)Yahoo! Mail :- "Official site for the service, which features spam filters, a virus scanner, and interfaces for..."

4)mail.com :- "Free Email addresses and breaking News: Be informed with the latest top stories from business, sport..."

5)AOL Email :- "Get free email, AIM access, online radio, videos and horoscopes -- all on AOL.com!..."

6)GMX :- "GMX Free Webmail is the Free Email you have been waiting for: From mobile phone to web browser ..."

7)Lycos Mail :-"Get more from your email with Lycos Mail. Your Lycos e-mail account includes these great features..."

8)Hushmail :- "Offers private, secure free email accounts. Email is encrypted and spam/virus scanned...."

9)Inbox.com :- "Get a free email account from Inbox.com. Rated as one of the best free web-based email services ..."

10)Gawab.com :- "Web-based email, 10GB storage, Arabic email, POP3 SMTP IMAP SMS PUSH SSL, email and forum hosting ..."

So which site are you using for email services...Try this and enjoy their features...

Monday, 22 July 2013


We all know that spacebar is the longest key on the keyboard.. You would be thinking why...
Do you know  in early days when people used mechanical keyboard also called typewriter, the spacebar coverd the full width of the keyboard at the bottom...
Later on when technology developed and electronic keyboard came into act the spacebar was reduced to some fixed length and was centrally placed at the bottom of the keyboard...
There is only reason behind the longest key for spacebar...But different people say it in different manner or you can say old wine placed in new bottle...It is similar in that fashion...

Let us see the most favorable reasons for the above query....

1)Its easily the most used key on the keyboard and is meant to fit all positions of your hands comfortably.

2)To fill the rest of the space on keyboard.

3)For use of spacebar easily as it is the most frequently used key on the keyboard...

4)As it is frequently used, it is made large so that we easily find it on keyboard without seeing the keyboard...

Hope all the reasons satisfied your thrust for the above querry....


Yaa the big question is why the arrangement of keyboard keys are in pattren of qwerty and not in abcde..
There are many reasons to support this question...Firstly i want to say that in the begining mechanical keyboard was invented and also called "TYPEWRITER" ..So the pattern was used according to tthe ease of working of mechanical keyboard...

Lets Discuus the reason behind the keyboard patternnnn.....

1)We start with the begining of the era of mechanical keyboard i.e "TYPEWRITER"...The pattern was so arranged to improve the working of typerwiter and to handle some technical pattern..When the pattern was arranged in abcde pattern where the keys were very closed to each other...They used to get stuck to the ribbon of the typewriter...Inorder to solve this QWERTY  layout keyboard was designed in that era so that it would made them easy for typing..

2)Now lets come to the common use of keyboard now...If the keys on keyboard were arranged in ABCDE fashion then we would have to type mostly with left hands....

3)One more reason behind the layout of QWERTY keyboard is that the mosr used keys are placed on right hand side and we use right hand for typing the most use keys...

4)From the mechanical era to the new technology keyboard, the pattern started from correcting the errors of stuck keys in typewriter and it moved towards utilising both hands with same ratio and making the typewriting easy..

If the Keys on the Keyboard were arranged with ABCDE pattern than we would have used some fingers of left hand for typing and the right hand finger would have been underused and typewriting would have been boring...
Isliye to kehte h jo hota h ache ke liye hota h...so enjoy typing.....

Sunday, 21 July 2013

Make a computer prank


This is step by step tutorial that explains how to make windows batch file that open the notepad file continuously.This is non-destructive prank to your computer system. If you want to have some fun with your friends , drop this cool prank into his pc. .

1) Launch Notepad

2) Type this code into notepad

@ECHO off
START %SystemRoot%\system32\notepad.exe
GOTO top

3) save as filename.bat for example notepad.bat

Give your valuable comments below...

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Hindu Muslim Riots : My personal experiance..

Oh my god this cannot be expressed in words...Till yesterday i had only heard about hindu muslim riots in news or read in history book..But when I'm seeing it infront of my eyes it is more than a sensational...

You also have heard it every where but i have now experienced it...Situation all around is tense...you don't know what will happen at next second...who will be killed, whose shop is going to be set on fire, whose head is going to be woulded in the next hour, you never know...

I especially live in a area that is surrounded by both the people in the 50:50 ratio.......The riots started with a fight on a matter of piece of land which was already under case in district court for burrying of dead body...

But this small fight took the shape of violance or u can show riots between Hindu and muslim..People were uncontrollable...Ii is just a owww moment because the shop of my neibhours was set on fire in this riots...
When i wake up in the morning the scenario was that a small child who was muslim in religion just argued with a hindu lady who is our neibhour on the cause of this riots...This riots has just spoiled the environment of our mohalla...People who were friendly with us are just abusing and talking on the names of religion...

I don't know when this riot will come to an end..But the forces are on in our locality...Shops are closed..Few peoples are seen on the road ....Vegetable market has opened in mohalla itself due to this riots...

Hope this riots come to an end very soon.....Sorry for not writing post on computer...But today i was just shocked to see it..So i decided to share it with u..I promise from next post onwards u will continue to read your loving post on my blog...

Friday, 19 July 2013

Attack of WORLD TRADE CENTRE trick in notepad...

The Flight number of the aeroplane  that was used in the attack of  Twin towers of world trade center on 9/11 was "Q33NY"...

Now let me show you a trick based on the attack of twin towers of world trade center....
Follow this steps and you will be amazed to see the output....

1)Open the notepad..
2)Type Q33N
3)Increase its font size to 72..
4)Change its font to Wingdings..

See the output:


The figure obtained in notepad is somehow similar to the figure of the attack of twin towers of world trade center....

I can only say that it is a coincidence rather than a trick...

Leaving all that i hope you all will enjoy watching this trick...Try it now and have fun....

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Some Key Concepts of JAVA that are frequently asked

Today i want to share some intresting facts of java-a programming language...
They are frequently asked key concept questions...

1)A JAVA use both the process i.e compilation and interpretation...When a java file is compiled , a class file is created, A class file is collection of byte code..Bytes code are then interpreted by JVM..

2)A class is simply a template...An object is created to give life to various attributes of a class..

3)In JAVA a class template takes no memory...Memory is allocated when object is created...

4)We can execute a JAVA program without a main method..Because a Static block is exexuted before main method..A block declared with static keyword is static block....

5)Multiple inheritance is not allowed in JAVA...Interface is used to support multiple inheritance in java...

6)If a class is declared final, it cannot be inherited...

7)String class in java cannot be inherited because it is a final class..

I will try to provide more updates in next post..Hope JAVA beginners of my type will like this post...

Having Problem With Gmail Account : It will Help You

Hope most of the internet users are using GMAIL Account as their primary mail...If you are facing problem with your account, this suggestions might help you...
Today i will discuss two problems and the way to deal with this problem from your gmail account...

1)To Delete Your Gmail Account Permanently.
If you don't want your email account on gmail..Instead of making it expire you can delete your gmail account..
Follow the following steps to Delete your gmail account permanently..
           a)Click on "Account" Setting.
           b)Select "Products" from left side.
           c)Click on "Edit" Option of your products.
            d)Click on option "Remove Gmail permanently".

         Now your gmail account is permanently deleted..
2)Block A Sender On Gmail. 
If you don't want unnecessary email from a particular user and want all the email sent from that user should went directly to trash...You can follow these steps to block that user
              a)Click on "Create a filter".
              b)Type the gmail account which you want to block in "From" column.
              c)Now click on "Next Step" button.
              d)Check the option "Skip the inbox".
              e)Now click on the button "Create Filter"
  Now the user have been blocked and the mail comming from that user will directly go to Trash...

Hope it will help you a bit to solve ur problem....

Wednesday, 17 July 2013


We all computer users usually refresh our computer by right clicking the mouse and selceting Refresh option or by pressing F5 from the keyword....My question is , Do we actually know why we refresh our computer...Hope some may be knowing the actual reason and some may be knowing the wrong reason...

Before discussing the right reason let me first tell you the wrong reason or myth that most users have about the refresh option in computer..We user think that refresh option is use to make computer updated after any changes made in RAM so that our computer will run more smoothly and will work faster....

If you are thinking like that, then i am sorry to inform you that it is not true...It does not make your computer work faster....Below i will give you the correct reason for this..

 Refresh option is used to update the display or update the look of desktop after a change(i.e delete,update,copy,paste,cut etc)....Let me make you more clear by giving you the example...

Suppose you have added an image in a folder...The image shown after paste is not in alphabetical order..But when you refresh the computer it is shown arranged in the alphabetical order...

So if you are refreshing your computer very often...Stop doing that...It is just a waste of time..It will not make your computer run faster or smoothly..

Hope you liked it and give your valuable comments below...

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Make Your Favourite video as a wallpaper on your pc

Many of you were thinking that you would make your favourite video as your wallpaper on your pc...
Ya you cand do it by reading this post...just follow the given instructions below and you will see your favourite video playing on your screen as wallpaper...


1) Open VLC Media Player on your computer.

2)Click on tools and select Preferences.

3)Click on video at left side and select Directx video output and click on save..

4) Play any video from VLC Media Player and click on Video and Select Directx Wallpaper.

5)Minimize the vlc media player and watch your faourite video playing on your desktop as wallpaper....
Just try it now and comment if you realy liked it...

Monday, 15 July 2013


Most people get confused that INTERNET and WORLD WIDE WEB(WEB) are same... But the fact is that they are two different things...
Let me clear this point to you so that you do not get confused over this topic after reading this...

INTERNET is the computer network that is used to connect different computers over the world to one another...
While WORLD WIDE WEB or Web is a service that uses internet to transfer the files over it....

WWW is a systemm of Web Pages that uses internet to pass file over it..You need a web browser to acees the web pages over internet...

One more fact is that INTERNET is developed in 1960 whereas WWW is developed in 1980....

Nowadays most of the services on Internet(ex: email, internet telephony etc) are accessed through websites....Hence the Confusion is going to increase in comming days over Internet and WWW....

Hope you do not get confused after reading this over WWW and internet....


Today i am here to give some internet facts...I hope you all are liking my post and i am trying my best to give my readers the post that has quality with quantity....

Some Internet facts are listed below :- 

1)Do you know the first message sent between computer was "LO".... However the user was trying to send the word "LOGIN" but the computer carshed before he could sent the full text..

2)Teenagers spend an average of 31 Hours online every week..

3)The name ‘Google’ was an accident. The original founders were going for 'Googol', which means 1 followed by 100 zero, but ended up with    'Google' due to a spelling mistake on a check that investors wrote to the founders.

4)The prime reason the Google home page is so bare, is due to the fact that the founders didn’t know the HTML and just wanted a quick interface. In fact, the submit button was a later addition and initially, hitting the RETURN key was the only way to burst Google into life.

5)We say we are connected with the world through internet..But the fact is about 18 countries in the world still dont have internet connections... 

Hope you liked it ....I know most of them know all this facts but still i am sharing this post because today i came to know all this fact and want to share to them who are like me....

Thursday, 11 July 2013


Have you ever thought while seeing your pc, why your hard disk drive partition name starts with C: not from A:, B: so on....
Today i thought about it and wanted to searh the answer of my question and i found it which i want to share it with you my friend...


Yes, there is a reason behind it..The Operating System allocates letter A for "FLOPPY DRIVE" and letter B for "Second FLOPPY DRIVE"...
The next letter C is left and reserved for hard drives... Similarly D:, E: and so on are used for naming other partition of hard drive...

Floppy Disk was invented before the hard drive and earlier Operating System were installed in Floppy Disk...So letter A was allocated to Floppy Disk..
Whenever your PC is switched on, the floppy disk are first checked and then hard disk are checked...
It can bee seen as the indicator of Floppy disk glows first when we switch on our PC...

In short i want to summarise the above discussions below...
A: drive is used for floppy disk of size 3.5 inches, storage capacity is 1.44MB.
B: drive is used for floppy disk of size 5.25 inches, storage capacity is 1.2.
C: and remaining drives are created of Hard disk.

Hope you got the answer that you were searching for many days....

Tuesday, 9 July 2013



1)2nd December is observed as "COMPUTER LITERACY DAY"..
2)First indian newspaper to be available on internet is "THE HINDU".
3)First indian magazine to be available on internet is "INDIA TODAY".
4)First magazine on computer is "COMPUTER AND AUTOMATION"..

And this one is for those who are interested in programming...

5)First computer program was developed  by "LADY ADA AUGUSTA"..

Last one but its the origin...

6)The word computer has been derived from english word "COMPUTE" , which means to calculate.

Hope you liked it and got some information.....

Sunday, 7 July 2013

Some interseting Fact you must know....

Do you know

1)Bill Gates house was designed using a Macintosh computer.

2)The average computer user blinks 7 times a minute, less than half the normal rate of 20.

3) While it took the radio 38 years, and the television a short 13 years, it took the World Wide Web only 4 years to reach

50 milion user.

There are also some other facts but i liked to share this to u as it was exciting facts....

If u realy liked it then share ur views below in comment box...

Saturday, 6 July 2013

Creating a "Heart" in Google Graphs..

I hope most of u have done this trying google graphs but if u have not tried i hope u will enjoy to watch it ....

Just copy and paste the code in google ..........n check it .............u luved it...

5 + (sqrt(1-x^2(y-abs(x))^2))cos(30((1-x^2-(y-abs(x))^2))), x is from -1 to 1, y is from -1 to 1.5, z is from 1 to 6
This will be your output

Hope u have enjoyed it....